
英語成語分享8 - 埋斧地下

(英語成語談) 13: 和睦相處, bury the hatchet, 休戰, 和平北美土人印第安人 (Red Indians) 將短柄斧 (hatchet or tomhawk) 埋於地下, 互相對吸長煙斗 (calumet or peace pipe)。埋斧時將它的刃和斧柄分開後, 交互作成十字架, 上面灑以酋長的血, 尊之為長久和平的標誌。在埋斧時如果斧柄和斧刃分離, 被視為不吉之兆。此一成語中的hatchet要加定冠詞。

1. At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other.
我們一度為敵, 但已和解, 現在互相友好。

2. At long last, the two chiefs of the Indian tribes have decided to bury the hatchet and smoke the peace pipe.

3. After countless burials of the hatchet, we always dig it up again. There doesn't seem to be any sign of an lasting peace.
經過不計其數的埋斧講和後, 我們總是又把斧頭挖了起來。看來似乎沒有任何不久和平之兆。

countless, numberless, 無數的;
burial 埋葬, 動詞: to bury;
to dig up, 挖出
