
英語成語分享6 - 進退維谷

(英語成語談) 8: Between the devil and the deep blue sea. 進退維谷; 處於極其危險的境地

這是來自《聖經》馬太福音第8章第32節的諺語:耶穌說, 去罷。鬼就出來, 進入豬群。全群忽然闖下山崖, 投入海中淹死了。
(And he said to them, "Go". So they came out and went into the swine; and behold, the whole herd rushed into the waters.) 此處說的海不是死海,而是在巴勒斯坦東北部,流入約旦河的格里勒耶湖。

1. If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea.
如果我們付女房東房租, 就沒錢付食物, 真是處於進退兩難的地步。
女房東: landlady;
男房東: landlord

2. If she continues to live with a man she doesn't love but for his money, the day will come when she will be utterly frustrated and between the devil and the deep see.
如果她為了金錢而繼續和一個她不愛的人在一起, 她將會感到完全失望而進退兩難的。

The day will come when ... , 感到... 的一天會來臨的
Frustrate, 沮喪、失望
Be frustrated in ... , 在... 方面歸於失敗, 終成畫餅
