
英語成語分享1 - 掌上明珠

〔英語成語談〕1: Apple of the(one's)eye ,非常重要的東西,相當於我們說的「掌上明珠」,出於《聖經》舊約.申命記,原是希伯來語中用以指眼珠最要小心保護的東西也。注意語中apple和eye均用單數。

  Jean, who is the youngest in a family of seven, is the apple of her parent's eye.(琴是7人家中年紀最小者,因此她父母最愛惜她。)7人之家a family of seven10人之群a group of ten50人一班a class of fifty。  This gold watch is the apple of my eye, Mother gave it to me as a keepsake in her late years.(這隻金手表是我最重要的東西。母親晚年時把它給我作紀念品。)

  The precious results of democracy are the apple of the people's eye and the people will fight to maintain this ideal. (民主主義的貴重成果對國民而言是非常重要的,人民會為維持這一理想而作戰的。)  Result = product成果maintain peace and order維持和平與秩序

害群之馬,稱為 rotten apple
聰明而判斷力強的人a sharp apple

大家有冇諗過 apple 有咁多用途呢?
